Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dogs. End of Story.

Deformed puppy, rescued
from trash, learns to walk
Outside the dollar store was a man selling pit bull pups for 50 bucks each.  A woman noticed a garbage bag he was holding that had noise coming from it, and she insisted on seeing what was in the bag. Inside, as veterinarians later discovered, was a puppy so deformed the only logical thing would be to put it to sleep.
Word to the wise: get a 
second opinion

However, one regular at the local animal shelter decided to bring the pup home for one final day, so that it may feel one day of pure love and affection. She massaged the dog’s legs, and within a few hours it was trying to pull itself around. The date with the executioner was canceled, and this determined dog went instead to a veterinarian at the University of Florida.

Dogs don’t quit. People do. But not all...

Angels at HipDog Canine Hydrotherapy & Fitness donated therapy to the committed pup to bring him back to the world of the living. Today, weeks after being tossed into a trash bag by a heartless, evil, soulless punk, this champ runs and plays with other dogs and maybe- will be up for adoption soon. If, that is, her rescuer can bear to part with her.

Full story here, until of course, the link is lost…

 If you don't speak Portuguese, the captions are of a best friend loyal to the end. At the end of the video is a plea to adopt stray animals. The story furnished at the site by the police journalist is that the murder victim got into an argument at an Internet Café over drugs and was killed in the street. The murderer was 10 years old. The dog returned to the family and so was not homeless, however, he did lose his best friend.

 A Dog’s Last 
Will and Testament

On a brighter note: 
The Bark Side
Ok Go, with Friends
Ok Go's friends, it should be noted, are rescue dogs.

The Animal Rescue Site.

Free Kibble for homeless dogs and cats.

 Adopt an orphaned pet. It'll make your heart glad.

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